Summer Blast TinaAtticus-Kotch on DeviantArt

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Summer Blast Tina



“How about you Tina? What are your goals?”

“Me? Well, I'm actually pretty content these days. I got my loving girlfriend, job is going well, and my soldier friends are all ok and alive. So, I can't really complain too much. Though I guess to be fair...we do need to figure out why Amber turned into a dragon. We still don't know how that happened.”

“That's uh...quite the water gun there.”

“Oh this? Yeah, I like this one~”


I'm pretty happy with the pose on this one. Tina came together really a lot faster than I expected. While she doesn't have the physical or psychic powers that the others have, Tina makes up for it with her gadgets, guns, and tenacity. She also acts as a kind of cheerleader, keeping the team's morale up.

Tina and art © @Atticus-Kotch

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1110x1340px 666.89 KB
© 2024 - 2025 Atticus-Kotch
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OldHeadEd's avatar

Nice, bouncy figure!