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Feather Brushes



Yay~ My first brush set! I can't make circles, okay. >,>

I've always had a problem with doing things such as feathered wings. Why? Because feathers take waaaay too long to do individually. So, alright, I'd go to find a brush to do the work for me. But, lo and behold, they just weren't what I wanted. So I made my own. It's the same image rotated on 22.5 degrees.

This is mainly for my own use if my computer decides to delete everything again, but feel free to download it and use it wherever. Be sure to give me some credit somewhere in the comments, and I'd appreciate a link to where you used the brushes so I can see your work.

Brushes made by Me. Give credit if you use them.
Made on/for Adobe Photoshop CS2
Note: I've been told this also works on GIMP!
Note (Jan. 30/12): There might be an issue of using this with Gimp 2.0.
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