Quest for Harmony - Lady Lucid wallpaperatryl on DeviantArt

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Quest for Harmony - Lady Lucid wallpaper



I'm gonna post all my previous folios, so you can see what you can expect from the patreon project of mine. If you like my art and have a few bucks to throw at me please visit the page. Thank you!

Quest for Harmony is an MLP:FiM inspired fantasy world / story, Siden and I are building up for a serious project, a comic series. We choose different names for obvious reasons, trying to be close to their personalities.

- By supporting me on patreon you also support the off project fan art updates and Livestreams! -

Jester: Quest for Harmony - Jester wallpaper by atryl
Lavender: Quest for Harmony - Lavender wallpaper by atryl
Whisper: Quest for Harmony - Whisper wallpaper by atryl
Jack: Quest for Harmony - Jack wallpaper by atryl
Brash: Quest for Harmony - Brash wallpaper by atryl
Image size
1920x1080px 2.27 MB
© 2014 - 2025 atryl
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Sudden flash of curiosity; what is the outfit Lucid is wearing called?