Eleneatomicqueen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/atomicqueen/art/Elene-215332519atomicqueen

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atomicqueen's avatar




Fanart of Elene from the Way of Shadows, by Brent Weeks.

I wasn't happy with this when I finished it, but it's nice going back over it now that I am actually closer to where I want to be artistically. Brent Weeks' books are a pretty fun read. Elene's character growth was interesting. There are some flaws and strengths to the series, but I did love the way that this character was described.
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703x888px 816.16 KB
© 2011 - 2025 atomicqueen
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Mechanical-Dragon's avatar
I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be happy with this. O_o

Portraiture can be tricky, but this looks really, really nice, and though I don't know the character personally, I think you did a great job capturing beauty that has been scared, but not lessened, very realistically.