
To be like you

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atomicfeline's avatar

Literature Text

How old must I be, mommy?
To be like you
The hardships I go through
Just to much to bear

It isn\'t even fair
That you should be much smarter
And I\'m compared to water
What must it take, mommy?
To be like you

What does it take?
Don\'t I ever get a break?
When does it all end?
Where is life\'s recess?
A few seconds of freedom
When I can smell the flowers in the field
The dirt beneath my feet
Will it ever happen, mommy?
Will I become like you?

I never feel complete
And it seems I can\'t compete
There\'s always work to be done
Where is all the fun?
Is this what life is all about?
I never have time to shout
How much I would love it, mommy
If I was more like you

Even though you\'re not around
I remember that horrible big sound
As you were huddled close to me
Crying as you were hugging me
I was angry as the man was hurting you
He was yelling. It was so scary, mommy
It would mean so much more if you only knew
How much I would really love it, mommy
How much I want to be like you

And as I drop these flowers in front of your grave
I keep knocking myself thinking I could\'ve saved
I can only imagine that you have reached that moment
That moment of your freedom, mommy
I love you
Dalspots supplied the picture for this poem. I really appreciate it. The poem would be bland without it. Anyhow, as you can see, this poetry stuff is getting out of my hands. I'm even beginning to scare myself...

I would have stuck this poem in Poetry->Emotional, but the title was already taken, and I wasn't about to give my title up for something silly like that.
© 2003 - 2025 atomicfeline
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the-real-why's avatar
Now that was great! It was more than that1 I don't even have any words for that! Good Job!