Current Residence: San Francisco Bay Area
Favourite genre of music: Many
Favourite style of art: Watercolors, Comic-Art, Fantasy Art, Fan Art, Art, Animation, etc.
Operating System: Os X
MP3 player of choice: iPod touch
Shell of choice: I like those pretty abalone ones.
Favourite cartoon character: Lots of them
Favourite Visual Artist
Jeff Smith, Linda Medley, Alex Ross, Tim Sale, Brian Froud, Marc Davis, Deja, Charles Vess, etc
Favourite Games
Return to Monkey Island or Sam and Max hit the Road. I like the card game Wizard as well.
Favourite Gaming Platform
some table in some room where it's not too cold or hot
Tools of the Trade
Paper, Pencil, iMac, Photoshop, Watercolor, Pens, Board, Imagination
Other Interests
Cooking, Art, Dancing, Meet people