Hi everyone,
Its been a long time since i've left a new journal (again i know!) have got a lot of work in the pipeline, most commonly a new site to promote and sell my typefaces...watch this space for that. (Still in the long task of getting them functional in fontographer though)
Right more to the task at hand......
I need some guidance and expertise on websites, especially web forms/data capture. I'm looking to create a simple contact us page on my website. (the normal, name address phone email etc...) but how do you manage to get the submitted data back ?? I'd like to get all the info to bounce into either an alloted email address or to be stored as txt files in my webspace.
Can anyone help me out, been banging my head against the wall searching for how the hell i can do it.
Thanks people, really appreciate anyones help and advice.
Kind regards
Alex (atobgraphics)
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Two Whole Years ?!!!?!
WOW It has been a long time since I was on DeviantArt!Really must find the time to get some new artwork done!Seem to spend most of it thesedays enjoying the painting world of a videogame called Forza3.Will upload some of the creations i've made as well as getting some new typographical fonts active and really should get back to doing Vector graphics again... need some new artwork for the walls of the new abode!Hope to see all those friendly faces are still around from the old days and no doubt will catch up with some of you soon.Take it easy & is good to be back active!Alex
30 Days To Go !
:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:Only 30 days till one of the best games ever is released !!
It looks killer !! Hope everyone in the UK has pre-ordered their copy!!If you dont know the game I mean you really should by now !!:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
www.alex-banks.com Website now active...finally.
Built in flash, not perfectly created as i'm a novice but does what i need it too.Let me know what you think.Regards
Hello Everyone
Hello everyone, apologies for being so quiet.... just noticed the last time edited this journal was not far off 1 year ago!! was shocked to see that.... but I am going to start to get back into DA slowly, just got a few things in the pipeline to sort out first...Just about rebranded myself and my new improved website will be up once hosting is resolved etc. same old address [www.alex-banks.com] just a new style and its built in flash (though cant do half the things i wanted it to do) its all good for now though.Will get some works uploaded sometime soon, but am off on hols next week with my better half so will prob be a few weeks being rea...
© 2008 - 2025 atobgraphics
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Can show you how to do this if you like, it's a piece of cake.