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atobgraphics's avatar
Hi everyone,

Its been a long time since i've left a new journal (again i know!) have got a lot of work in the pipeline, most commonly a new site to promote and sell my this space for that. (Still in the long task of getting them functional in fontographer though)

Right more to the task at hand......
I need some guidance and expertise on websites, especially web forms/data capture. I'm looking to create a simple contact us page on my website. (the normal, name address phone email etc...) but how do you manage to get the submitted data back ?? I'd like to get all the info to bounce into either an alloted email address or to be stored as txt files in my webspace.
Can anyone help me out, been banging my head against the wall searching for how the hell i can do it.

Thanks people, really appreciate anyones help and advice.

Kind regards
Alex (atobgraphics)

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adam82's avatar
Can show you how to do this if you like, it's a piece of cake.