Metal Gear 1987.Atariboy2600 on DeviantArt

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Atariboy2600's avatar

Metal Gear 1987.



I drew this back in 98 one year after the release of MGS for the old PS1. I LOVE the old Metal Gear game for the old NES and MSX2 and I still have them in my collection.

On the image you'll see some key Characters,

from Left to right:
Kyle Schneider.
Frank Jaeger (Grey Fox) - the one whos tided up.
Solid Snake.
Big Boss.
Enemy Soldier.
And yes Metal Gear Tank on the backdrop.

As you can see its title Metal Gear 1987 because the very first Metal Gear game was made in 87 for MSX2 then later NES/Famicom. Then in 88 the US version was out to fine out more info on the organil MG game check out on Wikipedia - [link])

MG games I have:
Metal Gear for NES - [link]
Metal Gear for MSX2 - [link]
Metal Gear for MS DOS - [link]
Metal Gear for Commodore 64 (Thats RIGHT C64 its that old) - [link]
Image size
1600x1200px 559.3 KB
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SnowyPandaCat's avatar
so what you're saying is that you own the original msx metal gear cartridge?