Atanasio's avatar


Claudio Romo
249 Deviations
  • Jan 1
  • Chile
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (55)
My Bio
Current Residence: Talcahuano
Favourite photographer: Diane Arbus, Weegee, Joan Fontcuberta
Favourite style of art: surreal manipulation
Operating System: Mac OS 10
MP3 player of choice: iTunes
Favourite cartoon character: el mago keko y su madre la señora teta

Favourite Visual Artist
Jose Luis Cuevas, Horst Jansen, Anselm Kiefer, Leopoldo Mendez, J.G. Posada
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Cocteau Twins, P.J. Harvey, Joy Division
Favourite Writers
Borges, Burroughs
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Fantastic Literature, Comics, Prints
Esta  planta, o parte  de ella  es  espectral, nadie  la  ha podido  tocar,   nunca  se  le  ve   sola,  siempre   en grupo,   lo que sugiere  la siguiente  hipótesis:    "si  Ambrosia  existe  solo es una , la que nunca  muere  y nunca  nace,  las  demás  solo  son  su  reflejo  y están  para su protección   desviando   la  atención  de  la  flor  originaria". En los campos de  Ambrosia   todo es simétrico  y  espectral   , parece mas bien un valle de espejos .  las plantas de la periferia   son   pálidas   y transparentes, mientras  las  del  centro  son  violentamente   azules  o rojas , cuando  uno trat
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The following is a text written by Claudio for the presentation of one of his latest projects at the University of Concepción, Chile. translated by stigmatattoo ( The project "My name is Legion" spawns from the conjunction of two situations: one is the invitation from Andrés Durán and Pedro Fernández for exploring the creative possibilities of a torque game engine, which is a software designed for generating inmersion game enviroments with the capacity for being a territory engine, delivering geographic, luminic, tophographic and climatologic information, among other features. Which is to say, every element of a geogra
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The new pieces belong to two book projects Claudio has been working on: a fictitious herbarium consisting of 10 fantastic plants and their descriptions as told by the expedition that discovered them (The Album of Imprudent Flora), and a catalog of 30 imaginary beasts. Most pieces have been digitally edited, adding textures and colors. Still i think their spirit lays closer to the drawings that originated them (skillfully penciled and inked as to resemble lithographies), which is why they are tagged as Traditional / Drawings. u p d a t e: The following is a text from The Album of Imprudent Flora written by Claudio and translated by :devstigma
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Profile Comments 472

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Thank you for creating so much and using your inspired imagination in this way. Your work is mind blowing.

Your gallery is amazing.You are trully a genius!
hey eres buenisimo
Love your gallery! Very fun to see so much beauty in the ugly ;)
genial tu arte genial me encantaria que dieras una opinion del mio te felicito muy bello y surrealista tu arte
me da curiosidad tu arte, por que dibujas así? me da muchísima intriga y sobre tus gustos y por que te inspira a dibujar o cuando te lo imaginas 
te ganaste tu muy bien merecido Watch!!!!!!! eres chileno?!!!!