You can post a birthday list here
For the folder infos go here
Important dates :
:bulletblue: Registration : 14th to 31rst May
:bulletblue: Random draw : 1rst June
:bulletblue: Time for drawing : 1rsrt June to 30th June (around 1 month)
:bulletblue: Delivery : 1rst July
Hello everybody !
It's time for the Secret holiday art trade.
You have to be a member to enter but everybody is welcome in our group. So just send a join request if you want to be able to participate. ^^
Don't esitate to advertise for this event, even if you don't want to enter. The more the better ^^
(en français plus bas)
So what is it and how does it works ? (For those who know it, it's just like a secret santa !)
It's quite simple. Every entrant will recieve a note with the name of his/her "kid" and his/her wishlist. Then he/she had to draw a picture with one (or more) of the wish(es) of his/her kid and to post it the day of the deadline.
Everybody can participate.