Broken goth bimbo riddled with disease and mental problems.
Current Residence: Kalmar
Print preference: Canvas
Favourite genre of music: Goth, doom, symphonic metal and new age
Favourite photographer: Jörgen Åkerklint
Favourite style of art: Realistic and moody paintings
Operating System: Alien Brain 3.4Beta
MP3 player of choice: One that plays music
Shell of choice: Ostrich egg
Wallpaper of choice: The papery one
Skin of choice: Beaver skin
Favourite cartoon character: Garfield
Personal Quote: Sometimes I don't know what I was thinking.
Favourite Movies
Green Mile, Amistad, Fifth Element, Erin Brokovich, Practical Magic
Favourite TV Shows
A Game of Thrones, True Blood, Stargate Universe, Top Gear, Simpsons
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sirenia, Tristania, Enya, My Dying Bride, and more
Favourite Books
The kind you read
Favourite Games
Swedish RPG En Garde! III
Favourite Gaming Platform
Livingroom table
Tools of the Trade
Tablet, computer and mood swings
Other Interests
Typical nerdy stuff