Bouguereau StudyAsuRocks on DeviantArt

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AsuRocks's avatar

Bouguereau Study



I have some super annoying neverending cold and spend the most of the time sleeping or coughing my lungs out (or both, awesome!!). First I thought "YAY! Sitting at home and painting all day!!", but then I realized that my eyes and head hurt too, so I only manage to paint a bit. =__=

So just that you don't forget me: Here's a master study of a Bouguereau painting where I tried to understand his awesome skin colors... AND sort my 5000000 Photoshop brushes while doing so. So there are probably all of those brushes used in this one painting. XD

Making-of GIF on my Tumblr:
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1121x1200px 327.34 KB
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lealeksandra's avatar
Hair is amazing!