asuraci's avatar


Alex Suraci
78 Watchers4 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
My Bio
Current Residence: Indiana, USA
Favourite genre of music: Anything but rap (I know that sounds harsh, but I have to hear it every day on the bus)
Favourite style of art: Minimalism (While retaining functionality)
Operating System: Windows XP Pro SP2
MP3 player of choice: foobar2000
Shell of choice: LiteStep

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
English: Elliott Smith/Ben Folds :: Japanese: The Pillows
Favourite Games
Ragnarok Online
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Adobe Photoshop CS2, Canon PowerShot A85
Other Interests
Music, customization
Yesterday I was reminded of the actions that took place last year (Or was it the year before?), with jark ( and matteo ( being removed from the staff. This utterly disgusted me but I had no other place to go. I think it's the most pathetic thing that spyed ( could have ever done to this website besides making it a large corporation. Not only that, but I'm getting tired of dA 5. I'm tired of waiting for the AJAX popup to update after I click one of the submenus so I can continue browsing. I'm sick of seeing incomplete parts of this site, and I'm sick of having advertisements shoved in my face. This is all just icing on the cake. :dev
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I don't know what to tell ya, really. I had it almost done and lost interest, and then a shiny iMac 20" caught my eye, which I hopefully get for Christmas. I had planned on releasing Mire v2 for Christmas, exactly one year from the previous release. But I've been so crammed, switching operating systems, reinstalling (I'm on Vista now, can you believe that!?), and now back to working on Konvulse - which, unfortunately, I've been neglecting way too much. If I can find anyone who skins Windowblinds I'll pass it on to them. Either that or I'll just release what I have done and let the community devour it and make it their own [And release it if
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Yeah, but is the public ever gonna see a final Roundness of Edge? :)
Is skinzilla going anywhere? I'm fairly excited to see what you can do with it.
Skinzilla died very, very long ago. It was never born. I called it off when released their long-awaited EVO. [link]

(Sorry for the delay, I don't come here often.)
thanks sry for taking that so personal, but Ive been burned b4... thanks for the fav
thanks for the +watch ... :ahoy:
Thank you for adding me to your friends list!

hey! how did you get rid of the AIM icons on Miranda's contact list? And how'd you skin the message window too? thanks!