Littlefoot (Happy Emote)Asuma17 on DeviantArt

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Littlefoot (Happy Emote)



Here comes Littlefoot!:w00t:

Bullet; Green This was made by :iconrockingscorpion:

Littlefoot is one my favorite characters along with the original 4Cera (Happy Emote) Ducky (Happy Emote) Petrie (Happy Emote) Proud_Spike emote . Besides Chomper, Littlefoot is the last batch icon until the next saga conclusion, yes that is right I used the word "Saga"School Rumble: Eyebrow Twitch , got Dragon Ball Z:icondragonballzplz: on the mind and I feel happy about it! Rock ON DBZRikka Takanashi (Cheering) [V1] :drummer: -Rock on- :rock: Headbang Emoticon  cause it is also its anniversaryCelebrate Evvai asd - celebrating asd  so these two franchise have something in commonAkari Akazaki (Good Job) [V3] I might think about doing a crossover tribute to the characters in success of their franchise so yeah I just might do that so look out for that!
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45x45px 1005 B
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SuperMarioFan65's avatar
My favorite dinosaur :)