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December 20, 2009
Galactic Segregation by ~Nuukeer
Amazing quality is visible from one corner of the image to the other. Besides that, it's not common to use a square format for this kind of images. A simply outstanding work that for sure deserves much more attention. Full view is a must!
Featured by TobiasRoetsch
astrovista's avatar

Galactic Segregation Updated



A little system has since the dawn of times been drifting farther and farther away from its parent galaxy. Soon it will be completely desolate...
I made a few galaxies with a simple technique here, and I'm pretty pleased, since they essentially are my first ones. I'm starting to really appreciate the power of light factory, the only plugin I actually use in ps. Made a few pr3t3nd3r-inspired stars, which I think look pretty cool. I've been a little sluggish regarding the star field, might revisit that and improve it later.

(And that flare on the big planet, that's the peeking sun if such a concept would be hard to comprehend).

Original resolution: 9400^2 px.

EDIT: I finally did the improvements I promised in the comment section. Way better star field, better space dust, and updated the planets.
I also thank :icontaenaron: for giving me my second DD on this picture!

EDIT (2010-12-21): Made som smaller changes.
Image size
1600x1600px 1.68 MB
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JossHawk's avatar
Brilliant Space images! dreaming of far away places.