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For Michael Morones



Recently an 11 year old boy from North Carolina, Michael Morones, tried to take his own life after being bullied for being a fan of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. Thankfully he was stopped in time to save his life, but he has suffered severe brain damage as a result of the attempt.

In this time of need he needs support and his family is asking for donations for his medical expenses. If any of you could find it in your hearts to offer comforting words or to make a donation it would be greatly appreciated.

Michael, don't give up. Everyone here is cheering for you and wishing you a complete recovery. Our hearts go out to you and your family.

From Equestria Daily: <ins>…</ins>
Donations can be sent to this address:
His Facebook account: <ins>…</ins>
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GeeBeeTheGamerBat's avatar
Bullying is just horrible. In my own life, being a brony is just one of the things I am teased for. I doubt it was anywhere near as horrible as his, though. People so disgusting and cruel know no age...Sad Fluttershy  
My heart goes out to you, buddy. I'm so glad this awesome community of bronies and pegasisters is here for you.