
Spilled Wine

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Daily Deviation

January 26, 2009
It is very easy to become swept away by spilled wine by *IAmPoetry. As the suggester notes 'this poem is very sensual and poignant and includes very warm imagery. However, the end of the poem leaves plenty to the imagination and just asks for the poem to be read and enjoyed again,' and again - and I will certainly agree!
Featured by LadyLincoln
Suggested by fllnthblnk
AsteriaSinclair's avatar

Literature Text

He dances a kind of genius
against white walls;
all prim and branched out

The fireplace, calm as the setting sun,
carries me

Fingers sweep each other
collecting dead skin and dialogue

We giggle like short-lived kids
playing with drugs

His smile vintage, lips, dry as cocoa mix
now moist as dew kissed grass

The table acquaints us
panties wilt to the obese rug
among spilled wine and cradled glass

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NotenSMSK's avatar
This is very impressive! I really like the work and the imagery generated. Due to personal taste, the last stanza with the 'panties' line seemed to lessen the subtleness of the piece but it was still an enjoyable read!