Ive come to burn your city downastercrow on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/astercrow/art/Ive-come-to-burn-your-city-down-455421594astercrow

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astercrow's avatar

Ive come to burn your city down



I am aware that I don't often post drawings that portray Aster's more villainous side, and because of that, her character doesn't come across as deeply or as violently as I'd like it to.

So have an iscribble pic of her with a fleet of ninja crows burning down Little Tokyo. ^^;

Inspired by Florence + the Machine's, "Seven Devils" 

(The audio can be found on my dA page under "Current Mood")

Holy water cannot help you now,
See, I've come to burn your kingdom down.
And no rivers and no lakes
Can put the fires out.
I'm gonna raise the stakes,
I'm gonna smoke you out.."
Image size
700x376px 152.13 KB
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aidangull's avatar
Great coloration.  ^v^

Little Tokyo today, regular sized Tokyo tomorrow.