astercrow's avatar


242 Watchers112 Deviations

sakura karasu

usagi yojimbo tribute


flying skulls

Artist // Varied
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (146)Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (146)Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (146)
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
thoughtART: Participated in April Fools' Day 2014
birthdAy '13: Celebrated lucky birthday #13
My Bio

hi there :7

i've been drawing my lil Aster Crow since 1994 thanks to SPC and some good friends i met on AOL. good times. she's come a long way since then. hope you like her.

been real busy with work and life and spending most of my creative juices on a story/comic, so my apologies for being so quiet here.

thanks for stopping by. leave a message once in a while or somethin'. i'd like that :7


Favourite Visual Artist
Escher, Audubon, Monet
Favourite Movies
MPHG, Blues Bros, MST3K, Clue, Pixar films, Akira, HP
Favourite TV Shows
Samurai Pizza Cats, ATLA, Food Wars, Last Week Tonight
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Garbage, Muse, Live, Ninja Sex Party, TWRP, Daft Punk, Vokab Kompany, ACDC, Hans Zimmer, Kings of Leon, Aerosmith, Gorillaz, Smashing Pumpkins, Incubus, Metric, Tool
Favourite Games
FF7, DDR, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Mario World 3, Yoshi's Island, Crash Team Racing
Favourite Gaming Platform
oldschool Nintendo, PlayStation/PS2
Tools of the Trade
pencils, ink, acrylic // Photoshop, Wacom Intuos // also some charcoal, colored pencils, pastels, gouache, watercolor & marker.
Other Interests
USMC, wildlife/nature, being outdoors, the paranormal, candlepin, art art art...


0 min read
where to's been a long time since i logged in here and a lot of good memories are flooding back. in the span of the past 1-2 decades i've made some wonderful friendships that have lasted years from this online community. admittedly, i haven't been the best friend and i've distanced myself quite a bit. from dA, facebook, skype, edo, etc. heck, even iscribble is down. but dA is still here. it's kind of bittersweet.i'll be honest... it's been tough. fighting my glaucoma has me up to 5 surgeries now, 4 on my left eye. i have a lot of permanent vision loss and i don't draw like i used to. like i really want to. i had every intention ...
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Thank you for all the birthday wishes! :blowkiss: I have some very kind friends here on dA, and I have always greatly appreciated that. :)Mmm.. Guess who's laptop is back in commission?.... ;7And somehow, while I was away, I managed to rack up over 50K Pageviews! :OI honestly don't know how that happened, but thank you to everyone who visited and poked in to check on me in my absence.I'm still setting my machine back up, and I'm not entirely sure if my Intuos tablet is going to work yet... but as soon as I'm on my feet again with all my software, you can bet that I'll be producing some new artwork. :DI'm a very happy leetle crow right now ...
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Hey everyone, and happy April Fool's.i always poke in on this day since DA started doing silly pranks years ago. Remember when everyone's icons changed to Mudkips? Good times, good times...well I still haven't replaced my laptop, but I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I just moved and am still settling in, so I'll post another update soon when I have more time and collect my thoughts a bit,just a quick hello and and a very sincere thank you to everyone who reached out to me to try and help in your own ways. You all know who you are.*
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Profile Comments 1.2K

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I really hope that you will have a wonderful day today anyway,

You have to see my next drawing artwork pictures stories ⭐️.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! :D
Airborne Trophy Dance! Juggle Boogie!  Party :squee:Free Avatar - CupTardCake Sun HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sun Free Avatar - CupTardCake   :squee: Party Boogie!   Juggle Dance! Trophy Airborne 

Have some Free Art too for your Special Day :D

(Post made in advance)