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Spaceship - Orion (takeoff)



Another insane spaceship project from the 60s : using nuclear warhead to propel a spaceship (…)

Most of the design of this spaceship is conceived to dampen the initial shock of the explosion of several (read: Lot of) kiloton nuclear warheads. I don't joke, this is a feasible project!

Well it would have several issue, like stockpiling several thousands of nuclear warheads, diplomatic conundrums when trying o land on a foreign planet, insane acceleration for crew quarters and oh... Fallouts. Lots of it. Yikes!

To be fair, as a strictly interstellar spaceship, it would work. Some issues, like the degradation of the dampening plate or the acceleration bursts are surprisingly easy to resolve.

Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook
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820x1280px 2.15 MB
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