Merlin in the land of OooAstanael on DeviantArt

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Merlin in the land of Ooo



I like theses challenges that forces you to go outside your comfort zone.
Drawing in black and white such a colorful universe as the land of Ooo gives quite the strange result. I tried to give it a "old wood etching" looks to ease the difference in style between the two universes, and I'm quite happy with the outcome.

My randomly generated mashup was: Merlin, in the Land of Ooo, revealing a deep, dark secret Generate yours!       

So this is the famous enchanter Merlin, keeper of a thousand arcanes secrets, revealing to Jake and Flynn that he is not in fact the first Merlin, but merely a vessel for the very embodiment of magic: the Myrlin. It appears here and then through the ages to witness changes of epochs. Its will is limitless and can bend the very fabric of time and space, but it often cannot act freely because it has seen so many outcomes that the slightest modification in the course of a single destiny would cause disasters affecting the whole of the multiverse.

Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook, copyright of aforementioned entities belongs to their creators.
Image size
841x1280px 1.37 MB
© 2017 - 2025 Astanael
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