Azazoth - The tomb of Daniel Reese EllingtonAstanael on DeviantArt

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Azazoth - The tomb of Daniel Reese Ellington



Somewhere nearby the forbidden city of Lhassa, 1922

At first, they did not notice the incongruity of a Christian cross along the deserted road. Focused as they were on the search for the lost temple of Nem-Mka, they almost pass beside it until the professor Wilson made the sharp observation that this was not usual.

Hardly, they manage do decipher a name: Daniel Reece Ellington; and a date: 1854-1913. Not far, they found the remains of an incomplete human skeleton, with marks of gnawing. Searching further, they also discovered a broken pocket watch, a belt buckle and some coins from 1905 to 1912.  

Respectfully, Oscar and Carl gather everything bones and buried them again, while Tchoura was chanting a quick orthodox prayer. Wilson left a sip of whiskey damping the frozen dirt and they continued they way.

After a while, Winston said suddenly:
"- Of course ! The Copeland-Ellington expedition that took place in 1913. I read Copeland was the only survivor. He wrote that Daniel had died from some typhoid fever, not far from Lhassa, That has to be it !
- Really ? said Oscar, We should see this fellow once back at home to tell him about this disturbed grave and that we've put it back together.
- You can't.
- Why not ?
- Copeland slits his throat three years after writing his book.
- Oh..."

Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook, excerpted from an ongoing Call of Cthulhu RPG campaign : The Offspring of Azazoth
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