Villians of the EndAssasinMonkey on DeviantArt

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January 14, 2020
Villians of the End by AssasinMonkey
Featured by Astralseed
AssasinMonkey's avatar

Villians of the End


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Character  TirekCharacter  Cozy GlowCharacter  Queen ChrysalisLocation  equestria


It ain't over, until it is over...

Had to make these three together. Was trying to prepare myself for a piece like this, but now I had to commit to it.
Or well, I didn't have to do a single session piece AGAIN, but here I am... 13 hours into a stream uploading these three evils I've been battling that entire time.

Initial sketch of these three was a lot more static, but then I had the brilliant idea of giving myself a lot of foreshortening to work with. I suppose that's one way to get myself to practice it. It had its interesting parts tho.

Never really been one to do the overly intense muscles, maybe also because I tend to make females more, with smoother definitions (not always). The foreshortening kinda stumped me on fully focusing on just the muscles, so I tried to make the best out of it, and all of them. Speeding through them a bit faster, which is easier when they're all sharing the same canvas. Less focus on each of em specifically. Unless you're Tirek and take up half the screen.

Anyhow, have another one for the Finale. There's still plenty more ideas that I can make and hopefully get to properly.

Approx Time: 11~12 Hours
Photoshop CC

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1620x1080px 1.4 MB
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GreatTeacherDiCenso's avatar

Listening to this when I found this.....Cause every villain needs a good theme!