Timberwolf EmperorAssasinMonkey on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/assasinmonkey/art/Timberwolf-Emperor-384755324AssasinMonkey

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Daily Deviation

July 15, 2013
Timberwolf Emperor by *AssasinMonkey
Featured by alexandrasalas
Suggested by gdpr-16812140
AssasinMonkey's avatar

Timberwolf Emperor



Commission for :icontwilightismagic:

A new take on the timberwolf scene from 'Spike at your service' featuring the Timberwolf Emperor against Applejack riding into battle together with Spike on her back as Death from Darksiders 2 creating a scene similar to the Guardian battle in the game.

Although I hadn't played the game, I got some good directions, references. But I could also look at other games or even the show itself in terms of scale (think, Ursa Major, Shadow of the Colossus)
The idea also just seemed to fit AJ (and Spike)
Spike rides around on Twilight's back plenty of times. Now he's wearing armour and wielding a giant scythe, it's time for some pony strong to carry him around and at high enough speeds.
Also... AJ

Probably the biggest scale piece I've done so far and maybe the first game crossover I've finished.

I feel like I want to type more but don't know yet...
Been great fun making this, streaming it, figuring things out :D

Edit: Oh, also birds...

Approx Time: ... Had to count that from my stream recordings. Estimated at ~22 hours :P

Small visual edit:
Due to some confusing as to how one might see the Timberwolf, I've made some slight adjustments and fixes to make it more obvious. Specifically to the mountains and their value being too overpowering.
You can still check the WIP image for the previous, or one of the reuploads on the net :P

I did have to stop myself doing to much haha

This really happened did it? I got a Daily Deviation?!
Suddenly a bunch of feedback messages!
Oh my gosh, thank you all so much!
Not sure what to say, this is my first DD! :D

Edit: 20 Sep
Wha?!, a spotlight on EQD?! With this as the Header?! It actually got a header again?! Over here: www.equestriadaily.com/2013/09…
I'll just sit here and *squeeee*
Calpain; EQD; y'all who send me in for the spotlight and every pony who visited, stay awesome
Image size
1800x1200px 3.57 MB
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BlueSpectrum91's avatar

Basically Monster Hunter: Equestria!