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My Little Apple Pie



Some things I just have to do. Apple... Pie, I could not not do this.
Had the idea riding my bicycle, went to make it when I got home and ended up here

Initially planned to give her a blanket but decided to expose her body and put her on top. What I did set on to do from the start was a soft cushioning pie for her head.
Did spend too much time failing really badly working on her face in at the start... spend more than an hour on it, then said "Monkey No, Monkey stahp, Monkey what are you doing?"
Scratched the old faces and created this one in like 1 minute...
(Check the WIP to see what I'm talking about :P )

Other than that little fail, it seemed to go pretty smooth, although I'm not sure about her legs still. But making the pie was fun to do! I don't do "close ups" of things like these that often. I barely do any food at all! (except Apples)

Anyhow, I hope y'all enjoy this little simple something :)

Approx time: 5 hours

Image size
1200x800px 655.18 KB
© 2013 - 2024 AssasinMonkey
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Poison joke strikes again.
I bet Apple Bloom sharnk AJ in her sleep and placed on Apple Pie. AJ wil have a surpriceful awaiking.