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AssasinMonkey's avatar

Mare in the Midnight



Started out with the plan of another Nightmare Nights piece. Ended up with regular Luna strolling in the night :D
Haven't made her in a long time (if you don't count Nightmare Moon) and given the time of the year, I guess I had too revisit her.

These night scenes... at one point I almost made it a day scene because the colours were not working out at first haha.
But I guess in the end it turned out al right. I just have to get used to the different greyscale values and colour combinations
Didn't help that Luna's colours are somewhat interesting to make.
Her hair was fun to play around with though. Something different than usual :D

Did kinda want to improve those clouds and the environment a bit more but.... heh... I guess I just stopped here hehe

anyhow, Luna

Approx: 8 hours
Image size
1920x1080px 1.72 MB
© 2013 - 2024 AssasinMonkey
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AhmadJCharles's avatar

Totally forgot about this one. I loved it since I first found it around 5 years ago. Back in my faves. <3