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AssasinMonkey's avatar

Lunar Divide



Another quick thingy, quicker than Celestia's piece. To which this a follow up for. Even though I didn't plan to do both when I made 'Celestial Harmony' hehe, but I think worth it right?

Nightmare Moon's colours, oh my, she's like the opposite of Celestia in terms of coat. So dark. At least there was enough to have a contrast with it like the eyes and armour pieces. Plus I used her mane as well, which I used as an excuse for the ring-o-magic.

Approx Time: 4 hours
Time Lapse:

Lunar Divide [WIP] by AssasinMonkey
Celestial Harmony
Celestial Harmony by AssasinMonkey
Image size
900x1350px 717.01 KB
© 2013 - 2024 AssasinMonkey
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Elotrin's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Vision: I like the fact that the background brings out the main item in this picture

Originality: Never seen anything like this.

Technique: I love the shading in design.

impact: Kinda look real but I know it isn't cuz a evil unicorn isn't going to come in real life...or IS it.

This is my first critique and I really like your picture. WHO DOESNT LIKE A EVIL UNICORN? So yea I keep on drawing things like this. Don't forget to draw mouse eating cheese! (Idk wat dat was I just did)

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