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In the clouds



Another episode piece. Or well, part of the episode.

Quite a bit of architecture, something I wanted to work on some more. I also have been wanting to make Cloudsdale for a while but never sat down for it. So I took this little chance to get something quite close to it.

Always great to see houses again. As for the episode theme, it does feel like a fairly important one. The topic. I've seen kids get devastated by school in similar ways Rainbow Dash almost went down. Their real potential hidden. So it was nice to see them covering this and especially in their always so awesome way hehe.
One of the reasons I like the show.

Anyhow, the art, hope y'all like it. Could've worked a lot more on this and add in a bunch of details, but I thought I'd keep it a single day stream rather than week XD

Clouds, so bright

Approx Time: 8 hours
In the clouds [WIP] by AssasinMonkey
Image size
1920x1080px 1.5 MB
© 2014 - 2024 AssasinMonkey
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cirnoicicles's avatar

So beautiful!!!!