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AssasinMonkey's avatar

Gifts of Marks



Haven't made this style in a "while", and oh you can maybe guess why I wanted to make one again. Or maybe you can't... either way, I made it, so there we go, ponies! The gifts of ponies!

Slightly different style, I didn't strictly follow the previous ones, as it's not part of a bigger project like the calendar was, and instead just another in this style. So a bit more free to make it look a bit different. Going back to a bit more rougher lines, less cleaned. How the style started out in the first place. But not exactly... a bit of a balance. It's always balancing act, like Applejack and Rarity would probably face every day trying to walk on those legs...

Anywho, hope y'all enjoy and have a nice day.

Approx time: ~3 hours
Photoshop CC
Gifts of Marks [WIP] by AssasinMonkey

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Image size
1440x1018px 1.03 MB
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cajobif's avatar
Sweet and precious.

Beautiful work