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AssasinMonkey's avatar

Friendship Apples



I do still like this outfit haha, 4th time I made it so far I think. At least in terms of uploaded stuff. It's Applejack, so maybe it makes sense.

This piece was a bit of a speedpaint, trying out a human stylized aesthetic, with a bit of dynamic thrown in for fun. Just a bit. Roughly painting can be pretty fun, not zooming in a lot, just me, my brush and its pen pressure... and some other keyboard shortcuts :P

Anyhow, little quick arty Apple

Approx Time: 75 min.
Photoshop CC
Friendship Apples [WIP] by AssasinMonkey

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Image size
768x768px 585.79 KB
© 2016 - 2024 AssasinMonkey
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