Dungaree ApplejackAssasinMonkey on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/assasinmonkey/art/Dungaree-Applejack-668510835AssasinMonkey

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Dungaree Applejack



Just an Applejack, because... why not right?

Anyhow, Applejack in a slighly different outfit, but also. Just slightly haha. Wanted to try some other layerings and shapes out for my lines with these, specifically jaw line and back of the head/neck. The neck part, if you look back at most of my drawings, I used to often draw the hair intruding over the neck towards the face. But here I kept the hair behind her head. Showing off that neck curve more.

Bit of a reference I stumbled upon from Body Reference - Sitting - Cup on Ground - Relaxin
 - by Danika-Stock

Even if it's for a specific single aspect, you can always look at other stuff for reference. Photos are also simply easy captures of a process that goes beyond it. Developing an artistic perspective on things, which you can just do by looking around you. I used to do that a lot when I travelled for school in the past, preferred walking due to being able to look around easily without putting yourself in danger :P
This piece was a bit more reliant than others. Something I just randomly scour around on my other screen, taking random bits, then moving on and forgetting what I saw.

Either way, not too complex of a piece. Although I was gonna paint it, but went with this style instead. Partially because... easier/faster, and I was getting sore.
At least tried to do some fresh stuff with it I haevn't really made/uploaded before.

Approx Time: 4-5 hours? Including revision.
Photoshop CC
Dungaree Applejack [WIP] by AssasinMonkey

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Image size
1200x850px 1.33 MB
© 2017 - 2025 AssasinMonkey
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zariots's avatar
Love the pose.
Love the outfit.
Love the work.
A lovely Applejack