Calm ExcitementAssasinMonkey on DeviantArt

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Calm Excitement


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The series continues! Now I'm half way through making all the mane 6. I don't make these two that much, so it's nice to be able to add some more to my gallery.

I intend on having this as a print during BronyCon... which is already in two weeks  D:
I also have to take care of my panel for BronyCon, "A Monkey's Art Talk", and more. Oh gosh, the pressure.
Applejack & Rainbow Dash will be made this weekend, and Rarity should follow soon after.

The colour scheme is slightly different. I wasn't sure how similar I wanted to make, but then I didn't really think to much about it any more... Hopefully when I get two more, it'll be harder to compare them. I suppose it's especially the background that ends up being quite... the same. I may just have to do that for the remainder as well now.
At least it should be a background that works with all, and is easy to imagine something for, being a wide open field, outdoors, and all that.

Anyhow, it's nice to actually finish something like this in a midweek again. It's been confined to Saturday Streams quite a bit.

Approx Time: 9-10 hours
Photoshop CC
Calm Excitement [WIP] by AssasinMonkey
A Rare Sight by AssasinMonkeyHaving a Ball by AssasinMonkeyCalm Excitement by AssasinMonkeyTwilight in Daylight by AssasinMonkey

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Image size
800x1200px 1.09 MB
© 2016 - 2025 AssasinMonkey
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pinkiepieiug's avatar

so cute 💖💖💖😍😍😍⭐⭐⭐💯💯🩷🩷