ApplibojackAssasinMonkey on DeviantArt

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AssasinMonkey's avatar




Little short Saturday Stream result, also because the first half of the stream was filled with me drawing Applejack with booze while drinking booze. One Apple a Cider

So, ended up making this one a bit faster, so it's a bit rough around some edges. Tried to salvage some derps in my greyscale, which I hope worked out.

Took a random Applejack from my sketchpage full of Applejacks, with the plan to go with "figurine" aesthetic. I guess I took that a bit litteral in giving her a base and everything. Trying out a rough "painting" on the face details and such.

Anyhow, hope y'all enjoy. Sorry for the name haha :P
PS: I did kinda drink while making this :XD:

Approx Time: 7 hours
Photoshop CC2015
Applibojack [WIP] by AssasinMonkey

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Image size
850x1200px 610.28 KB
© 2015 - 2025 AssasinMonkey
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Finnjr63's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Impact

I like this one. It's a pretty good Amiibo parody. I actually even thought that it was a model, but then I realized that it's just drawn. Nice trick you did there.

I like Applejack in this one. She's just so cute to look at. And being an Amiibo makes it even cuter. I also like how she's posing in this one.

The eyes are kinda off, but it's just a nitpick. I'm just trying to look for problems.

Overall, I think it's a pretty good drawing. Are you planning to make more Amiibo drawings?

Keep up the good work. <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=":)" data-embed-type="emoticon" data-embed-id="391" title=":) (Smile)"/>