ApplebackingAssasinMonkey on DeviantArt

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AssasinMonkey's avatar




No new episode to make episode art of, so I went and experimented a bit here and there

Ended up playing around with Applejack.

I want to get back into more dramatic lighting. I did a bit of that with my On Princess...
Although, because I spend so much time on other stuff this stream, I ended up taking a bit of a less refined shorter route. I also kinda decided a bit late I was going to do a full shaded piece, instead of many tiny cute ponies...

I'll get to those cute little ponies eventually.

Anyhow, Applejack, because well, why not right? In a slightly different style.

PS: I kinda also did a shaded, layered piece, so I could add it'd fit better in my Patreon PSD Pack.

Approx Time: 6-7 hours?
Applebacking [WIP] by AssasinMonkey

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850x1200px 628.94 KB
© 2015 - 2025 AssasinMonkey
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ALARIS-HYN's avatar
:star::star::star-half::star-empty::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star-half::star-empty::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star-half::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Impact

Vision: Well I think I see what you wanted to go with based on the title and description and I like the intention. Deep shades, sensual, graceful, simple.
3/5 - 7/10

Originality: I have seen pieces with similar intention though the execution is peculiar on this one... but more on that later.
2.5/5 5/10

Technique: I've always enjoyed your technique but this one looks incomplete. I critique finished pieces but seeing as you're asking this might feel a bit tough;; but here goes nothing... The back is clean, the brush strokes on the light are well blend, how ever, the shading needs work. The shading on the body and hat are different and I feel the hat has too much black. I advice never to use black for shadings unless you're doing tenebrism which could sort of work. And you still need a visual explanation why are the shades different via objects, perhaps a top barn door is closed and the bottom more opened thus splitting shade intensities by half. Also, the brush strokes on the face and hair need more blending and natural texture, she's just stapled there and it's distracting (This seems like a preliminary color contrast exercise). And the lights look different, yellow and white light make for different color distinctions, natural v.s. artificial, be careful how you play with them. And lastly, the anatomy is far too disproportionate, also her mouth is too clearly lined. I am not sure if that is the intention but she needs more muscle, built (Over all torso built) and mass to be Apple Jack, in here she looks starved, dehydrated and without muscle tissue.
2.5/5 - 5/10

Impact: I thought this was not finished, but since a critique is asked I have scored it as if it was finished. This is incomplete and I suggest you fix or treat the problems it has. This gave me mostly an uncomfortable impact due to the anatomy, most of all, seeing as this particular character should have a more well endowed physical features. I feel more sorry than graced due to how rectangular, crushed, skinny she looks, as if pained. I don't know the intention but clearly this is incomplete, your other work has been outstanding. Finish it and then ask for a critique, I hate sounding like a jerk when this is not the place to go all out but well, I was just concerned I don't want this to be a fail for it has great potential and I want it on my Favorites list. Just send her to a 3 day convention of apple family reunions and let her eat her heart out, a year of none stop apple bucking and take that picture again on a studio with better lighting control. : P
3/5 - 6/10