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AssasinMonkey's avatar

Apple Shade



More Apples were needed.

Tried to mix some some things from my gallery together. Shading a bit from Pegasus Sanguine but the face style a bit from Apple Buckets.

Didn't go too detailed on the finish, was more of an experiment. Applejack's colours are a bit darker, and orange is one of those that can be tricky to decide on. I kept moving sliders to adjust the colours haha. Went with the lighter option.

Anywho, Appuls.

Approx time, 2-3 hours?
Apple Shade [WIP] by AssasinMonkey

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Image size
625x700px 185.49 KB
© 2015 - 2024 AssasinMonkey
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Phenometron's avatar
What a beautiful expression.