Apple CoatedAssasinMonkey on DeviantArt

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Apple Coated



Well... I ended up making another Applejack for a Saturday Stream again. Instead of the other sketches I started before her, hah. I guess she can just show up at any moment and get my attention anyway.

A bit of a mix of styles again. I actually wasn't sure which process I was going for. Full greyscale? Then like... maybe direct color? Then I was doubting my choices and everything, but I thankfully just kinda kept on going.
Part was also for doing a portrait like this with an actual environmental backdrop. Seeing, what to do with that. Random brushstrokes, yay.

Anywho, I didn't have enough Applejack, because also never enough, but either way... Applejack.

Approx time: 7,5 hours
Photoshop CC
Apple Coated [WIP] by AssasinMonkey

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Image size
850x1200px 1.83 MB
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Anon371's avatar

She looks beautiful :)