Princess Skyla/Royal guard Shimmer Light,AskTheEnbizakaFamily on DeviantArt

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Princess Skyla/Royal guard Shimmer Light,



Princess Skyla always wanted to be a guard. But when she tried to apply the female guards told her that a princess can never be a guard :iconchallengeacceptedplz:. She bleached her feathers, fur and horn, colored her mane and tail blue, cut her tail short and applied again under the name Shimmer Light. She was accepted but has to hide the fact that she's Skyla or she will be kicked out. She uses tail extecion as Skyla. The only people who know are her cousins Violet and Dusk.
bases by::iconselenaede:
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1013x531px 32.5 KB
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Now I'm wondering how her Parents will react?