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Ashtrol's avatar

SP OTA - Angel That Fell From Heaven (CLOSED)



I haven't posted a scented adopt in awhile, and I have not designed a scented fawn yet, so here is this bab!

My designing skills are kinda rusty, so I need to get into the groove of everything again.

Pretty simple OTA. If offering money, please offer atleast over 5$/500 pts!

Masterlist No.: #???

Owner - JellyBray 

Traits - Mainly common except
- Fawn Type
- Fetlock Hooves

What I'll Consider!
 -Popular CS

1) You may only make minor edits to the character's appearance. Do NOT change the species traits!
2) You MUST be a member of Scented-Ponies to purchase adopts.
3) Winner will receive the un-watermarked version through note.
4) You must credit digimonlover101 and MidnightSketches for the species and me for the design. Do NOT claim it as your own!

Scented Ponies belong to digimonlover101 and MidnightSketches.
Scented Ponies are a closed species. You are not allowed to make your own.
Image size
1912x2000px 880.96 KB
© 2017 - 2024 Ashtrol
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H-analea's avatar
gosh dang that was fast lol