I Like your Face - Issue 14

8 min read

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:pinkBummyPhotographer: by MenInASuitcase

I Like Your Face

Here's a collection of some beautiful portraits I've come across on DA. Some of these just leave me speechless.
:thumb201729816: rose II by JoaGna
In your eyes by AlexandraSophie
:thumb197929997: little thing by sylmac :thumb177099444:
The portrait: Cheshire cat by Ophelia-Overdose
:thumb202892648: :thumb203005855: :thumb199172302:
mara iii by meyrembulucek
Witch? by Chocolate-Egoist Friend by wyslet Time by imallergictoyou
WTF? by Anezka123
BombIII by stupidfake Vitamin cocktail IV by zjuzjaka Simone 1 by SorenWrang
The Last Don by BigboyDenis
Self Portrait by HairyAss Sleeping Beauty. by Barbarella91 :thumb202794482:
ID '10 by ELogan-Photography
Hello Mr. Lies by ParenthesisX Lady Colette by ParenthesisX Your Heart by Genabubbles
Black Summer 6 by AnonaT All of my soul by AileenLuib   L o v e by annikenhannevik
Just like the bee's by CaitlinWorthington
:thumb204928819: Model - Morgana 01 by blackandecker Medium Format by MelWicked
Bea - Bridal by Aden-Photo

I'm such a sucker for amazing portraits so I'm going to do a news article once a week for them :) Hope you continue to watch these news articles for more lovely faces :D

Desmond has a barrow in the market place
Molly is the singer in a band
Desmond says to Molly - girl I like your face
And Molly says this as she takes him by the hand.

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on.
- The Beatles

© 2012 - 2025 AshleyxBrooke
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wyslet's avatar
a tad late but thanks nonetheless!