.:Hello Snufkin:.AshleyKerins on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ashleykerins/art/Hello-Snufkin-176335158AshleyKerins

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.:Hello Snufkin:.



I do seem to get somewhat lazy towards the ends of pictures. Oh well!

I had a little moomin faze a while ago and there was some scene on youtube where Snufkin, Moomin and Sniff were on a hill with the sea behind them. ...It didn't look anything like this, there was more of a strong backlight rather then a soft morning light... and Sniff was in it. [I'm not fond of Sniff- at least in the English version, his voice really annoys me.]

Looking at this picture makes me more determined to rethink the way I paint. I dislike how it looks like.. a ton of flat things just placed ontop of eachother...at least in some places.

Do not steal, edit, manipulate, trace, copy, claim as your own, or post elsewhere unless as a link returning to this exact page.

Moomin, Niiskuneiti, Snufkin, and Little My Copyright Tove Jansson.
Art Copyright Ashley 'Tai' Kerins 22st August 2010
Image size
1200x500px 1.09 MB
© 2010 - 2025 AshleyKerins
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They;re looking at a MONSTER. In both body and mind.

He is unable to walk, has no face other than one eye and one ear. No mouth. Is missing half of his fingers, no tail, has oxygen tanks on his wheelchair, A tube into his body supplies nourishment. Communicates by scrawling messages on a pad.  Yells out of frustration...

The full story of how he EARNED his deformity can be found on InkBunny...