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T shirt mockup tutorial



Here is the much requested tutorial on how to make photorealistic mockups of t shirt designs onto t shirts. its actually super easy! all you need is a basic working knowledge of photoshop or a similar program.

some info:
t shirt template I use: [link]

other t shirt templates by the same person: [link]

in general, you can find other templates at tshirt contest sites submission pages as well as forums (ie, threadless, design by humans, ect.). you can also buy some professional ones from sites such as gomedia. i personally prefer to make my own, as shown above :)

design info:
you can vote for blue leaves at: [link]

you can also vote for funk'd prequel at: [link]

and if you feel so inclined, you can buy one of my designs (birds aflight) at: [link]

btw, you have the right to share this wherever you want, just link to the deviation, not just the image.
Image size
800x4000px 1.49 MB
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