Arzeno on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

September 21, 2012
Kurt, I am your Mother - colored by *Arzeno
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by cirgy
Arzeno's avatar

Kurt, I am your Mother - colored


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X-Men and Starwars Characters merged

Gambit/ Han Solo
Rogue/ Princess Leia
Nightcrawler/ Luke Skywalker
Beast/ Chewbacca
Mystique/ Darth Vader
Destiny/ Emperor Palpatine

Merged names: Han LeBeau, Princess Leianna, Kurt Skywalker, Darth Holme, Coybacca and Empress Destitine.

:bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred: :star: Update :star: :bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred:

:bulletred: Thank you :iconcirgy: for making this :heart: Daily Deviation:heart: happen!

:bulletred: Thanks to :iconmoonbeam13: for featuring me!

:bulletred:For all youz concerned for Gambit's health:
Rogue has had full control of her powers for a few years now. Check it: [link]

:bulletred: Destiny was Mystique's life partner. Rogue had two Moms. info: [link]
Image size
888x1352px 1.03 MB
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Ohh! I love Nightcrawler XD