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TH-2 'ThunderHawk II' light bomber (updated)



Regine Syndicate TH-2 "ThunderHawk II" short range bomber

    Length:    14.0 meters
    Width:    12.24 meters
    Height:    6.0 meters

    Two Scourge missile bays, salvaged from original Thunder Hawk bombers
        (5 Type-A missiles each, total 10)
    Two 32mm autocannons
        (800 shots combined)
    Two Devastator bomb bays, salvaged from original Thunder Hawk bombers
        (20 bombs each, total 40)
        -Divided into two compartments, upper and lower. Upper are unarmed until transferred into the lower bay
Named as a ThunderHawk II due to it sharing a large number of components in common with the SiCom ThunderHawk bomber, it is considered the successor to the outdated light bomber that had become known as the staple in pirate fleets.

Loyalists seized an abandoned SiCom production plant that specialized in producing these bombers for private military companies. After SiCom was dissolved, many of its factories were abandoned or forcefully taken over by external parties. One particular group of manufacturing and R&D stations were taken over by a group of pirates who used the assembly lines to produce new ThunderHawk bombers for their use and had begun modifying them to help them keep up with modern fighters. Eventually, the Regine Loyalists had tracked the group of pirates to the group of stations and took over. After studying the modified bombers, they decided to modify them further and create the ThunderHawk II.

As their war with the Empire continued, the Loyalists intended to replace the ThunderHawk II with the larger Shatterhawk which made better use of their limited manpower. This plan did not come to complete fruition, though. The TH-2 continued to see use as many of their sub-capital ships, and even some of their capital ships, lacked hangars large enough to field Shatterhawks.


Camera angles between the TH-1 and TH-2 are the same so you can switch between to see the differences and similarities.

Updated render 12/17/2020: Added more detail, new canopy hatch, redesigned internal components and landing system.
Image size
1280x720px 144.21 KB
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