Izkaph IconARVEN92 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/arven92/art/Izkaph-Icon-794021457ARVEN92

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Izkaph Icon




More personal work that I did a couple days ago, at the same time of "Soar".

So on websites other than DeviantART (eg on my Instagram, Patreon, Twitter and Facebook), I've always used an old icon I've had since like 2014, and I thought it was about time to reboot it!

Here is what my old icon looked like:  Izkaph icon by ARVEN92
This picture of Izkaph is all the way back from 2014... here she is again, five years later. I'm actually pleased to see the improvement over the years, and it's always good to get back to Azarian Stories, my favorite project <3

In case you don't recall, Izkaph is the main character from the series, and Queen of the land of Zercuta.
I love how Izzy can look utterly majestic and absolutely creepy at the same time.

I don't think I'll be using this as my icon for DA as well, mainly since I still love my current one, made by PatiLee :heart:
I'm still hoping to turn this into a looping animation someday, with her fur blowing in the wind. You know, if only I had something to animate it with XD


If you are looking for an icon like this, I am open for Icon Commissions!
Icons are digital-only, 500x500 headshots of a single character with simple shading.
The price is €25 ($30)!

More commission options:  Arven's 2019 Commission Price Sheet by ARVEN92

:iconpatreonplz: If you like my work, consider supporting on PATREON! It helps enormously, AND it gets you commission discounts!  www.patreon.com/arven?ty=h

Instagram (2016) Icon Follow on INSTAGRAM! www.instagram.com/panthera.arv…

Character, species and art (c) :iconarven92: 
More about the Azaroth species!  Azaroth Species Sheet by ARVEN92
Read Sleight of Hand:  Azarian Stories - Sleight Of Hand Cover by ARVEN92
Read All That Glitters:  A.S. All That Glitters -Pages 1 - 2 by ARVEN92
Image size
500x500px 268.16 KB
© 2019 - 2025 ARVEN92
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AstarGoldenwing's avatar
Aww, little Izkaph is so cute! :aww: I like the simplified, almost cartoony style - it makes Izkaph look so neat! :)