Saurianarvalis on DeviantArt

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Hey guys the game I've been working on for a few years with a bunch of cool folks is finally out on Steam. This is a promo illustration/title screen I did for the game. Its a mix of 3D assets from the game and my concept art with a liberal helping of painting on top. Its super exciting to see our game finally out and if you have a chance, check a look.

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Concept Art from Saurian
  Saurian-Quetzalcoatlus Update by arvalis  Saurian-The Observer by arvalis  Saurian-Dakotaraptor by arvalis  Pachycephalosaurus Life Stages by arvalis    

Photoshop CC: enough
Designs©Urvogel Games LLC
Image size
5000x2145px 7.26 MB
anonymous's avatar
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creeper786's avatar

I really like your art, especially the godzilla and dinosaur art, but one question, how do I download the image?