Javelin's Wyvernarvalis on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/arvalis/art/Javelin-s-Wyvern-181216258arvalis

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Javelin's Wyvern


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This is Javelin's wyvern. Ive wanted to design a wyvern for the character for many years, but was never pleased with a design. Once i doodled this dragon in my sketchbook, i thought i had finally nailed it. Im nicknaming it Guavern, as its color pattern was inspired by the Guava Skipper butterfly, thank *super-ninja-monkeys for that name. This is another concept for my final project pitch. Oh yeah, thank ~NuclearBandaid for helping me on this one.

PhotoshopCS3: 4-6 hours
Guavern©RJ Palmer
Image size
4800x1855px 1.54 MB
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I love this design! It looks like a theropod dinosaur like a Utahraptor that grew wings! Man, I love this bipedal design.