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The Recruit- Epilogue (The End.)



First- .:CE:. The Recruit


The Recruit discord-   join the partyyyy!!!

We are here. This is a glimpse at clan life over the next few months, showing how everyone is adjusting.
Rainstone has three lovely kittens! Stormkit, Foxkit, and Starlingkit. 
Nightpelt has taken his role as a future medicine cat very seriously, but he's still finds time to spend with his kits.
Rain and Night are no longer together, but they've become good friends.
Ringtail is sad and lost without Mudstripe..
Mudstripe is in the place of No stars, which is my version of purgatory, but it seems like some StarClan cats come for him eventually...
Jaytail gets a haircut.
Brightstar develops cataracts in her eyes, taking away her sight.
Minnowstar dies from a hunting accident in RiverClan, Litchenstar rises to take her place after Silvertooth retires.
And Snake finds Gorsefur....

Ending on a slight cliffhanger,  but I feel like stories never really end. Life doesn't just stop when the pages do, so I decided I would leave it open!
The Recruit will not be continuing into a sequel, but I will write up the loose ideas i had for where the story goes! 

I'll be making a journal of questions and answers for things I left up in the air, if you have stuff I didn't answer in the stream please do ask them and I'll do my best to answer everything! :D

I can't believe it's finally at it's end after 8 years, creating this comic has been an incredible experience and I am so happy that so many of you have enjoyed reading it!
A huge thank you to everyone who was a patron during the run of this comic, you guys really motivated me to increase production on TR, and without you guys I don't know how long it would've taken me to complete it. You have all really inspired me to make a real go at creating comics, I still can't believe how many of you were willing to support this work and agh, I love you guys so much. :heart: 

Future comics are in the works, WLB will be returning tomorrow and many more are being planned as I type! I hope you all enjoy those comics just as much.

Thank you so much for reading. :heart: 

You can start WLB here if you haven't yet~
  What Lurks Beneath (Cover) by ArualMeow

TR QnA + sequel summary here: 
The Recruit Q & A!

Q1- Will there be a sequel?
A- No. Never. Sorry!
Q2- Will there be any other content?
A- I am considering creating a Prequel! It is a Patreon goal, so if I can ever support myself through patreon alone, I will definitely create a prequel about Icestar and the Rebellion.
Q3- What are the names of Rainstone kittens?
A- Foxkit, Stormkit, and Starlingkit. They’re all named after someone!
Q4- Are Nightpelt and Rainstone still together?
A- No, I don’t think they ever continue being a couple. I think they become good friends though, and raise their kits together.
Q5- Was BrightLeaf canon?
A- Yes.
Q6- Why did Snake go looking for Gorsefur? Is he going to kill him?
A- Snake just wanted to see what became of him, kind of like checking up on someone you didn’t like from highschool. He doesn’t go there with the intent of killing him, but
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Lil-Ala's avatar

No, its over!!