Terms of Use

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ArtressCreativeTools's avatar
Users are allowed to use brushes contained in ArtressCreativeTools gallery, manipulated or "as is", for the following purposes:

:bulletgreen: On websites layouts, multimedia presentations, cell phones themes and skins.
:bulletblue: In printed promotional and/or commercial materials, magazines, newspapers, books, brochures, flyers, CD/DVD covers, packaging etc.
:bulletgreen: In the design of corporate identity (logotypes/marks) on business cards, letterhead, etc.
:bulletblue: For traditional artists, as reference source.
:bulletblue: In wallpaper themes/ computer interfaces

The following uses are prohibited:

:bulletgreen: In the case of "as is", in printed reproductions not manipulated for sale or any items for resale and "print on demand" like clothing, postcards, mouse pads, coffee mugs, calendars (e.g. on sites like Cafepress), or on any similar produced items that would contain the stock image exclusively, and not being part of any of the above mentioned in the category of allowed.
:bulletblue: For pornographic, unlawful or other immoral purposes, for spreading hate or discrimination, or to defame or victimise other people, societies or cultures.
:bulletgreen: In a defamatory way to the persons, objects, and animals depicted on the brushes image.

:bulletred: Selling or redistribution of the images "as stock" or "brushes" in ArtressCreativeTools gallery is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN without the express and written consent of Melissa Lester, me.
© 2007 - 2024 ArtressCreativeTools
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LiLyAnDec's avatar
Thanks so much for providing clear terms.  The only thing I'm not clear on, is whether we can use them to create digital scrapbooking items where any item used from you would be flattened within an entire piece before offering it for sale.  Could you please let me know.  Thanks!