It's been a hard haul with this whole cancer thing, the pandemic turmoil, the passing of my Mother, friends, and critters...and still working my mental & labor intensive and now very understaffed job this whole time. Yeah, working, while sick and weakened by chemo, but the bills weren't going to pay themselves and I needed the insurance that the company provided. This whole time dizzy, depressed, sick, and burnt out feeling. But damn it, I didn't come all this way through all this worldly hell just to give up. There were times I wanted to, and I broke down often...still do...and it would have been sooo easy to just give up. But I do have dreams, even with my passions beat down and subdued, dreams that I must pursue and most of all I have a life to live, even in a rather fucked up world that seems to get worse by the day. I've got to push on, it's going to be hard, but I will fight for my life and dreams. I have only three more post-cancer treatments left, one every two