
3948 deviations
2843 deviations

Devious Collection
107 deviations

Traditional Surrealist Paintings
290 deviations

Traditional Surrealist Drawings
279 deviations

Printmaking Techniques
7 deviations

Great Digital Art
223 deviations

148 deviations

Devious Collection 2
32 deviations

Fantastic Sculptures
14 deviations

34 deviations

16 deviations
Calling All Creator Platforms to Fight Art Theft
DeviantArt is deeply committed to DeviantArt Protect and our immediate focus continues to be on helping artists safeguard their work by expanding Protect's abilities for identifying potential art infringement, and exploring ways to improve and streamline the takedown process. In the near future, we aim to:
Scan more blockchains
Decrease the time it takes to detect potential art theft
Work with external marketplaces to improve the takedown process
Add an additional layer of protection to help thwart malicious bots
What's Happening Now? :confused:
As the NFT (non-fungible token) market explodes, so does the time-old issue of art theft. Unfortunately, many artists and content creators have had their art stolen to be minted and sold as NFTs by imposters trying to make a quick buck. This issue is impacting artists across the web on all platforms where they publish and share their art — including Twitter, ArtStation, DeviantArt, and more.
Although DeviantArt is the first platform to
11 deviations